Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 4 - KeSha's new music video & HP7

Sorry guys,
I just realised that I missed a post last week, so hopefully my news this week will make up for it.

I was listening to SAFM and they said that Ke$ha had released a new music video for her song "We R Who We R", so naturally I jumped online to check it out.

Let me tell you this, it is absolutely awesome and you can check it out right here at:


Also, on Friday I went to see  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It was epic. For those of you who aven't seen it yet I strongly recomend you do, but I warn you that it is not for younger veiwers so if you are under the age of 12 I recomend you wait until it cpmes out on DVD and your parents can watch it with you.

That's all for now,
And remember,


Currently reading: Sea Glass, Maria V. Snyder

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 2 - Fun!!!

Hey everyone,

This week has been fun-ish.
I  have spent most of it revising for exams. Who has ever heard of sitting exams in year 7!? I have 3 maths exams, 2 english ones and 1 mats one. I have already completed my first english one which was based on the book Hannah's Winter by Kierin Meehan. That was on Friday.

I ave also spent most of this weekend revising for my maths exams on Monday and Tuesday, then it will be a Reading Comprehension exam on Wednesday, another maths one on Thursday and finally Science on Friday.

Later on today I will be going swimming with one of my best frieds in the whole world. How I love 31 degree days.

Update on how my exams went next week.


Currently reading: Sea Glass, Maria V. Snyder

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 1 - not a good one

This week was okay...ish.
I would have prefered it if my birthday had never been. It is November now and my birthday was quite a few months ago, but just last Thursday I got a present from a family friend. I was a whole lot of cooking utensils. and if there is one ting I do not need, it's cooking utensils. Don't get me wrong, I love to cook, but mums got enough of that stuff for it to last forever.

Also, at school we started yet another project on the environment. I was working with Olivia (Liv) in a pair for Tuesday, and then Wednesday I wasn't at school and she decided that she didn't want to work with me anymore so she asked the teacher if she could work on her own and he said yes! Cab you believe it, I was away for one day and I lost my SOSE partner. So I come back to school on Thursday ready to work on SOSE only to find tat my so called friend has ditched me and I now have to do all the work on my own.

Also, the Credit Union Christmas Pageant was on yesterday. Which meant that once again I was dragged out of bed a six in the morning so I could watch it on the tv at ten when it started. My sister still doesn't under stand what 'sleeping in' means.

And one last thing, I thought I might tell you about Tournament of Minds that I competed in recently. It is very old news as it was last term but I haven;t really told any one about it. My team (Me, Leo, Mav, Bella, Jade and Mirnaa) were doing the Social Science challenge. It went really well but unfortunately we didn't win.

Well that's it for this week,


Currently reading: Storm Glass, Maria V. Snyder

Currently listening to Ke$ha, all songs

New Blog

This is my brand new blog. It feels good to finally have a place where I can write my thoughts from the past week. There will most likely be a new post every Sunday, but if I feel the need to post earlier or later then that I shall.

The carnation flower, one of my favourites.

Many of you may be wondering wy I spell 'favourite' and 'colour' with a 'u' in them. The reason is this:
I am NOT American and I never will be, so if my spelling anoys you then live with it or go find another blog to read because I'm not changing to suit only a few people.

And now that my short rant is over I will begin to work on my weekly post.
